A temporal rift is about to open on the dressing room of Viktor the Magnificent, the most famous street performer. After a long absence following the death of his wife and assistant, the stage man is back in Rouen with a brand new show: puppets more alive than ever. The success is immediate and families jostle to attend the performance of his main star, Maggie, recognizable by the jewel she wears. But disturbing events come to darken this glory: children disappear not far from the show square. Not long ago in our time, our researchers found several necklaces in the ruins of an altar. After several searches, one of them would belong to Viktor's famous puppet and seems to have undergone a strange ritual. But for what purpose? Join the Time Keepers organization and help us uncover what hides behind this mystery. You will be tasked with crossing the rift and revealing the secrets surrounding this necklace. Ready to take on the challenge and relive this dark case?
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